Wooden Bridge - A Must For Any Koi Pond Garden Decoration

Published: Sat, 10 Apr 2010

Wooden Bridge - A Must For Any Koi Pond Garden Decoration

The use of wooden bridges is one of the most popular garden decorations. A garden with a mini-waterfall or pool won't be complete without a garden bridge. There are a wide variety of choices of garden bridges when it comes to designs, styles, kind of wood use, sizes, and steel braces but the most attractive garden bridges are those with hand rails and poles that are carefully handcrafted. You can have your foot bridges custom made for your garden or fish pond or if you don't find any style or design that you prefer for your garden.

This process is more expensive than ready-made ones that can be purchased readily from home and garden shops as it requires a special kind of treatment that you will specify. Landscaping professionals are the best people who can help you in customizing your own garden bridge. Even a grass or stone garden will look lovely with a wooden bridge. But if you find landscaping professionals expensive, then you can resort to ready-made ones that are reasonably priced depending on the design and style.

You can also go for DIY wooden bridge kits that are being sold in leading DIY shops. It's not only fun but it will save you a lot of money in the process. Gardens have been used as a place for reflection, meditation and relaxation and foot bridges simply give this peaceful atmosphere in gardens. It provides a very calming effect that these garden decorations give and it's what makes them more attractive. Outdoor gardens simply become more beautiful, may it be a floral garden, rock, grass, wooden bridges simply enhances its beauty that is almost considered mysterious. Maybe because the use of garden bridges were also very popular in ancient China where Feng Shui was used to ward off bad luck and evil spirits.

You can now find a lot of modern designs and styles and there are some designs that have no safety and hand rails. Bamboo is also used as materials for many foot bridges but wood is still preferred by most homeowners specifically Rosewood. Redwood bridges are perfect for oriental and miniature gardens that are why it is being used in many hotels and resorts as decorations for their mini-parks. Arched garden bridges are more preferred than flat or straight bridges and there are also foot bridges with small steps.

Redwood bridges can highlight any part of your garden effectively. Many people will confirm that a arched bridge is a must for garden decorations. Besides, your garden can become your own very little sanctuary when you need to relax and contemplate. If you are too busy or not artistically inclined, you can get the service of a professional landscape artist and you can easily find one on the internet. Builder and designer of fine handcrafted garden bridges.Offering a growing collection, offering 100s of personally designed and handcrafted

Custom style bridges, water garden bridges, wooden footbridges, pathway bridges. They are excellent ideas because they are easily personalized and can be sized to fit anyone's need or style. Feel free to visit us at http://www.RedwoodGardenbridges.com to explore the many different styles of Garden Bridges. Thank you. Joe